I was born in New Jersey of Irish immigrant parents. We had no family here in this country, so I think I retreated to the refuge of painting at an early age. Self-taught, I paint landscapes, portraits, anything that strikes my fancy. I began painting on old window shades since I couldn’t afford the canvas and the paint. I was originally trained at NSFIA (Commercial Arts) with a degree in art. I also attended the School of Visual Arts in New York. I spent 18 Years in New York City on Madison Avenue as an art director at an advertising agency. I began my own firm specializing in conceptual advertising while all the while practicing my first love… painting. We enjoyed a beach house on Long Beach Island and a country home in Western New Jersey – both offered wonderful subject matte. For painting I prefer working on landscapes, using watercolors in the summer and oil paint in the winter. Living in the countryside inspires my love for the beauty of the outdoors. Over the years I have been asked to put paintings up for sale and now I
finally have. I hope you like my work. I reside in Long Valley.

email me at pgallagher8@comcast.net
if interested in purchasing a piece